About Company

Roldrob S.A. is part of Drosed Group, the strategic shareholder of which is the French LDC Group – the European leader in the poultry industry with an annual turnover of over EUR 6.2 billion and employment exceeding 24,000.

The Company’s values include: honesty, respect, reliability and tolerance.

Historical view

The history of the company dates back to 1945, when the District Egg and Poultry Warehouse started its operations of dealing in poultry farming as well as purchasing and processing of both poultry and eggs. In 1970, the Company’s name was changed to Tomaszowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie [Tomaszów Poultry Plant] and the registered office was moved to the newly built facility at Warszawska Street No. 168/172. The Company’s scope of activity was also expanded to include slaughtering of gallinaceous birds and waterfowl. In the following years, two new divisions were added, i.e.: production of ready-made food and cutting-up of poultry.

However, only the year 1995 brought a real breakthrough to the Company. The Plant was privatized and a new company was established with the participation of both the employees and a strategic investor “ROLIMPEX” S.A. In the following year, Tomaszowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie “ROLDROB” Spółka z o.o. [Roldrob Tomaszów Poultry Plant, limited liability company] was set up and in 1998 Grupa Drosed S.A. [Drosed Group joint stock company] acquired over 3/4 of the shares in Tomaszowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie ROLDROB Sp. z o.o.

A significant step for the Company was the acquisition of “ROLIMPEX” S.A.’s shares held in the Company by the DROSED Company, whose strategic shareholder was the French LDC group. Drosed Group reached the position of the largest poultry capital group in Poland. In 2000, the Company was transformed from Limited Liability Company into a Joint Stock Company. As part of further development, the Company won a strategic investor – the French LDC Capital Group, a leader among poultry producers in Europe.

In 2005, the Company received international BRC and IFS certificates. The following years was the time of numerous investments: in 2009 a modern frankfurters department was launched, in 2014 a goose cooling tunnel and a cutting-up room were completed and put into operation, whereas in 2016 a modern warehouse for shipping, packaging and social part were opened.

In recent years, the Company has been intensively developing in line with consumer trends and investing in the state-of-the-art machines and equipment for baked and coated products across all three production facilities: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Międzyrzec Podlaski, and Nowy Sącz.


Drosed Group

DROSED Group, with an annual turnover of over PLN 3.0 billion, is one of the main players in the poultry market in Poland. We employ of over 5,000 people and produce 150,000 tons of finished products per annum.

Since 2000, DROSED has belonged to the LDC Group, a French fresh poultry producer and a European leader in this industry, with turnover of over EUR 6.2 billion.

DROSED Group consists of the following companies: Drosed S.A., Roldrob S.A., Sedar S.A., Drop S.A., Drosed Surowiec Sp. z o.o., NaturAgra and Indykpol S.A.

DROSED Group makes every effort to offer its Customers and Consumers products of the highest quality. We have gained confidence in the country and abroad thanks to the skillful combination of good Polish traditions with modern production methods.

Our products can be found both in modern and traditional distribution channels, in restaurants, domestic and foreign, the markets of EU, Asia, Africa and North and South America.